Adsense can be quite profitting for blogs, the possible diverse nature of the topics, what with quick updating and large amount of links can mean that blogs are the first on the scene to discuss a topic, and usually do very well in search engines. However ,I see it time and time again that people are not protecting this most valuable of investments.
First off, let me just say this - Google are quite within their rights to take your account away from you. Harsh, I know - but if you don't play by the rules, then they can remove your account. It is part of their Terms and Conditions you agreed to when signing up. Whereas your $100 pocket money every few months is important to you, the business Google generates from that $100 is more important to Google. Fact. And time and time again I see people making the same mistake over and over again, when they post something like this on their blog: -
"Hi everybody - I have Google Adsense on my account, but I'm not getting enough funds, so I've added these ads, I hope Google don't mind."
Big mistake. Not only are you putting your Adsense account in jepordy, you're making it very easy for Google's crawlers to find that post! If you care about your Google Account, I'd take those ads down and do the following.
First of all, gather as much data about your new ad scheme. Usually, the blurb on the front page will tell you enough. If you see the word "contextual", forget it. Google don't allow competitive Contextual Adverts on sites with their code on it.
Now, the bit everybody forgets - speak to them. Google has a dedicated team of support staff who probably know the Adsense scheme better than you ever will. I should know because I was thinking about joining them. Trust me, they'd rather you'd clear it up rather than losing an account.
I know it sounds like this post was written by The University of the Bleeding Obvious, but it's the truth, and far too many people forget it.
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