Hi, this is my new blog, entitled "I Want A Free XBox". It's simple really, it will detail my quest to get a free XBox 360. Okay, it's not exactly free. But I will be using revenue generated from this blog to hopefully reach my target of £299.99 - which is the current RRP in the UK of an XBox 360 Premium System. Should the price drop (which I expect it shall), before I complete my quest - then any money left over will be used to add bits and pieces to the system.
Why did I do this challenge? Two reasons - firstly there seems to be another of blogs out there who have been moderately successful with generating extra income. I'm not talking about people becoming millionaires overnight, but they have a fair amount of money they didn't have before.
Secondly, an XBox 360 is - what my Business Studies teacher used to say - is a reachable, definable and measurable goal, something all businesses need.
Wish me luck anyhow!
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Good luck with it dude! I'm sure you will be really successfull!
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